Monday, April 28, 2008


Finding time to keep a relationship healthy can be a struggle for any couple during the stress of their everyday lives.

...Finding time when you have kids is even more difficult.
...Finding time to WAM when you have kids, adds another dimension to that challenge.
...Finding time to WAM, film and take pictures when you have kids is an arduous feat.

But, finding time for all of the above when you have teenagers, is well, nearly impossible.

Hiding it from the kids has become a carefully calculated equation, almost an art form, if you will.

It was easy when they were small. You could put them to bed at 8 o'clock and pretty much be guaranteed a night without interruptions. Not so now, when they are older and so full of...wisdom! It just doesn't involve closing a bedroom door anymore. First of all, they stay up for an ungodly amount of time, so waiting for them to go to bed takes forever. Then there are the other interruptions - like one of them coming in to ask a question, or calling you on their cell phone, or wondering 'what you are doing in there for so long?'

There always seems to be something or someone getting caught up in the mix. You have to be able to plan quickly, yet be flexible and understanding enough to give it up at a moment's notice.

Concealing your actions is another tour de force. You can’t just throw things away haphazardly, because 2+2=3 when there are 5 cans of shaving cream in the bathroom basket and dad has a beard.

Then there is the 'scent of suspicion'. “Mom, why does the house smell like peanut butter?” or “Why are all the fans running and the windows open when it is 40 degrees outside?”

And the camera! Where is the camera? Did somebody borrow it? Did we erase everything from it? God I hope so.

It's a constant vigil. Occasionally, we even have to resort to taking a day off from work...and then the phones still ring or someone knocks at the door! Sometimes, you can't win for losing.



Anonymous said...

Hey kay, i fully understand about that. I have to wait till i'm alone and then get dressed with stuff that needs washing, have a shower or bath in it and then put it in the washing machine and pretend like nothings happened.

I love the stuff you post on UMD and can't wait to see your first wetlook set, complete with nylons i hope.

Keep blogging as i really enjoy reading what you have to say.

Take care
Wetnylonlover from the UMD.


Anonymous said...

"Hey kay, i fully understand about that. I have to wait till i'm alone and then get dressed with stuff that needs washing," "then put it in the washing machine and pretend like nothings happened."

Ha. Same here. Cept I have to clean up a ton of shaving cream and pie crust and vacuum, etc and generally the entire house smells like shaving cream afterwards... that and i have to make sure no one sees my "laundry" afterwards because obviously there'd be questions and suspicions about playboy bunny outfits and so on ;)

Anonymous said...

Great blog Kay -loving your posts and the insight into the whole process of putting together the fantastic pics we see on the forum. Keep up the good work!