Monday, June 16, 2008



My husband and I were talking about what type of messy session we were going to plan next, if we were going to take pictures, and if so, would we post those in the forum? Although it’s always exciting to see new pictures of mess, we didn’t want to post the same types of pictures that we had already done before. We wanted to do something different.

We talked about how we liked the community interaction when someone would ask a question and people would respond with their opinions. We thought it would be fun to take that one step further. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what kind of pie in the face was preferred…either thrown at the subject or pushed in the face? What about the mess? Did people like to see the model’s face before she/he received the next pie, or did they prefer the mess upon mess?

Funny how everyone has their own feelings about what turns them on. Personally, I prefer when a pie is pushed in my face and moved upwards towards the top of my head (although I won’t turn down any type of pie coming my way!). I love that sensation. I also prefer the partial coverage look. I like to see the eyes and facial expression of the model if there is more than one pie in the face. Now hubby is the total opposite in his responses. He likes them thrown and piled on, pie after pie, until you can’t if make out what is under all that!

What did the messy community like? Hey, if they voted, we could then thank them by posting their opinions back on the forum! Thus the ‘Pie for Every Reply’ idea was born!

How would we do that? Well, we decided to post our question for a day or so and then tell the forum that we would end the voting period so that we could film their responses. I only wanted the voting to last for a few days but my husband thought that we should let it open for an entire weekend. Then we had to decide on the actual voting time period, so as not to confuse all the members living in the different time zones. We decided to say 12:01 am and figured if we used a time zone like EST, that the members could convert what time that would translate into, for them. We wanted to make this easy to understand and as simple as possible.

We also wanted to give ample time for as many members to see when the voting period would take place since the reply period was going to be limited…not continually out there as other threads that asked for opinions are. I also had friends who traveled and if we only put it out there for immediate voting, they might not be able to take part which would disappoint them.

So on June 5th, I posted the following:


Hi Everybody!

What's this, you ask?

Well, here's how it works:

My smiling face will be on the receiving end of a cream pie (with crust) for every reply that is posted to this thread from:

Friday, June 20th 12:01am (EST)
Monday, June 23rd 12:01am (EST)

I will wear a sexy outfit (like the one shown below) and for every reply, I will hold a sign with the name of the person who replied written on it. I will be pied in the order of how the replies were posted.

You will be allowed the following choices and may include them in your reply:
1) Do you want your pie:
A) Thrown at my face?
B) Pushed in my face?

2) Do you want me to:
A) Wipe off my face before I receive your pie?
B) Leave the previous pie on my face and add your pie to the mess?
(Sorry, only the very first reply will start off with a clean faced showers in between the pies!)

Only one reply per person will count during the 'official reply period', so if you reply more than once, or change your mind about your choices, only the choices from your most recent reply will be used.

After the ‘official reply period’ has ended, I will need about 10-14 days to gather all of my supplies and complete the shoot before I can post all your 'special pie shots'.

In the meantime, you can ask questions, or tell me what your thoughts are about this idea, but remember, official requests for the 'pie for every reply' will only be taken during a 72 hour period from:

Friday, June 20th, 12:01am (EST)
Monday, June 23rd, 12:01am (EST)

I hope not only pie lovers, but all UMD viewers will enjoy this 'social WAM experiment'.


Psssst!...My personal ‘pie in the face’ record is 78!

I thought it read pretty clear, but as soon as I posted, I began to get replies from members who were trying to submit their votes immediately. So I went right back in and added ‘June 20th-June 23rd’ to the title of the thread and added some ‘ONLY’ words to the body of the original post. I still had a few that did not understand, who kept posting their choice, so I had to restate when the voting period was. Mostly though, I had some really good ideas and suggesstions about what to do if/when I broke my record of 78, as well as other unique opinions about the topic.

Well, the voting period starts in 4 days and I can’t wait to see how many ‘pies in the face’ I am going to be receiving!


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