The Pie Crusts
119 replies! That meant we were going to need 119 pie crusts, plus a few extra, to cover breakage or preparation 'oops'. I have to start by giving credit for some of the production costs to a little old lady I met at the dollar store a few months back. I was buying some graham cracker pie crusts and she was standing behind me in line. I think I had about 6 or 8 of them neatly stacked, along with a dozen cans of shaving cream in my basket. She looked in, then up at me and said, "You know, you can get those at Aldi's for 89 cents and sometimes they go on sale for 79 cents." I thought for a moment that she was referring to the shaving cream. I mean, like how could she miss all those cans in my basket? Then she said something about them tasting just as good as the ones at the grocery store. So I quickly deduced, with my quick thinking brain, that she was talking about the pie crusts. In fact, I was almost certain that she didn't eat shaving cream or would ever refer to it as tasty! Hmmm, I wonder when I am old, if someone will deduce that I don't eat shaving cream? Oh, how we tend to label others! I thanked her and said that I would have to check them out if I ever went to Aldi's. Well, thank you again, ma'am, because 119 times the 11 cents that I saved from what they would have cost at the dollar store, bought me more WAM supplies! How nice of you to support my habit!
So I made the trip to Aldi's a few days later to scout out these pie crusts. They must have been prepared for me, or maybe real bakers...there were 4 unopened boxes, each containing 24 pie crusts and some loose ones as well...priced at 89 cents. What a bargain! I went back the next day...should have dragged along the producer/director/pie thrower to assist me. Hmm, wonder if he set that all up? I grabbed the 4 boxes and went to stand in line. I figured that I would have to go to the other Aldi's to get the rest of the pie crusts...didn't want to look to conspicuous. There was one woman in line ahead of me with her daughter. There was only one checkout line open as well. Then, out of nowhere, about 5 people got in was like one of those movies where they rush in from all different angles.
At first, the woman in front of me asked what I was doing with all the pie shells? This is before the rest of the store joined in behind me in line for a look. I had been contemplating what I would say, since I knew that someone might ask me this question. The only way to avoid curious questions would be if I bought crusts in increments of 10 or so, and my time was too precious for that. I wanted to blurt out, "Oh, I am going to get hit with 119 pies and post the pictures on an internet fetish site." Or I could have said that I lost a bet. But instead I decided to preserve a bit of the Piegirl's innocence!
I told this story about how we are having a bakeoff at work every Friday, where we take turns making different pies for sampling. Each week we have a dozen or so pies to taste. It takes us all summer to do it. My assignment was to buy all the pie crusts and distribute them to everybody who was taking part. I thought it was a pretty good story, then she asked me what kind of pie I was going to make? Uh, er, should I tell her shaving cream? Should I tell her that my pie only takes seconds to create and that I am a master at messy pie making? I told her that I hadn't decided yet. She told me to have fun (oh I will, believe me!) then she left and it was my turn. "I have 96 of these," I told the cashier. She smiled...I'm sure she knew the real score! Then as I glanced around, the man and lady behind me ask me what I was doing with all those pie crusts? So I lied again.
The Shaving Cream
Well I loaded the car, and what the heck, I was on a roll, so I stopped at the dollar store to buy some shaving cream. Now I knew that we had about 20 cans at home, so I decided to get 25 more and hey, I thought, let the other guy make a trip for supplies too! More silly questions at the dollar store. "Are you going to clean your carpets?" said this one middle aged woman. Then the checkout guy asked if I was going to 'shave close'? I must have paused for a second with my mouth open, then I just said "No". Man, I should have just told them the truth...couldn't be any more shocking than their questions. There was so much concern that I was going to have clean carpets or get a good shave, that they forgot to double bag my supplies. For a moment I was imagining 25 cans rolling down the parking lot with me running after them!
The Other Stuff
Artists' paper to write the names on, markers, tarps, duct tape, shower curtain liners (these are great, they work like tarps and you can get them at the dollar store too), kiddie pool ("Hey Mom, why did you buy a little pool, we're too old for that?"), buckets, tubs, batteries, lighter, cigar for Lenny, banana pie filling, cake batter and brownie batter, green food coloring, chocolate syrup, paint stir to attach to our drill, a few small cherry pies, maple syrup...oh, and then I hear..."I bought a real nice camera today and some editing software too, oh yeah, and a tripod." What? We still have to rent a hotel room for this shoot. This is starting to cost us...
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Wow, June 20th…‘D Day’, or should I say ‘R Day’…’reply day’, was almost here! It was about 11:30 pm, just before the ‘official reply period’ was about to open. I was concerned that someone might try to post their request before the voting officially began and it wouldn’t be counted. I would have felt bad about that, so I decided to open the reply period myself. I posted a message saying:
I wanted to make sure that I opened the voting at exactly 12:01 am. It was a bit of a challenge to make the post came through right at that time, but I did it. I explained the rules once again (since a few didn’t understand it the first time), then I sat back and waited to see who would be the first to reply. I had no idea if there were any viewers out there who were waiting to post, trying to be number one, or what. I thought that this idea would be somewhat successful from the initial response I received when I started the thread. At least I hoped it would be…but it could also be a flop.
Well the UMD was very slow that night (I would like to think it was because of my thread, but who knows!), and as I found out later, the replies were taking a few minutes to register. Consequently, many members were pushing the ‘post’ button a couple of times. When they finally did go through, there were many multiple replies. I tried to contact some of them by sending private messages, asking them to delete their extra entries if they were still in the community. Some got my message and were able to do so. It was exciting to watch the responses add up, but it was also a bit worrisome to see all the multiple posts coming through. I knew I had just created some extra work for the moderators.
The adrenalin was rushing, but I knew that I needed to get some sleep, so I went to bed with a good number of replies under my belt. By the end of the first day, I had 63 requests (not counting multiple posts) and I was thrilled! I knew that I would probably pass my personal pie record. And as I watched that record get broken, I sent a private message to that member, informing him of the feat. One of the members had a great idea that I should do ‘something special’ when my personal record was broken. In fact, there were a lot of unique ideas from the community. I thought it would be cool to let the record breaker decide, so I told him that in my communication to him.
Another milestone was 100, and as we approached that number, my husband decided that he would like to own that piece of the action. So we watched as it came close, and he was successfully able to covet that spot.
The weekend was a bit chaotic, watching the posts and sending messages to the moderators to assist with removing multiple entries. I also had to send messages to some of the members whose choices were not clear, or to those who replied but forgot to give any choices at all! My reply watching became all consuming and overtook my regular life for those 72 hours (I think I fed the kids?!!). When it was nearing the end, I decided that I wanted to be the last to post for my special pie. I watched as the time drew near and made my own reply and closed the voting period. Whew, a sigh of relief, but it was only beginning…
119 replies! 119 pies! I was awestruck! But, oh my, what did I get myself into? There’s so much more that needs to be done…
Wow, June 20th…‘D Day’, or should I say ‘R Day’…’reply day’, was almost here! It was about 11:30 pm, just before the ‘official reply period’ was about to open. I was concerned that someone might try to post their request before the voting officially began and it wouldn’t be counted. I would have felt bad about that, so I decided to open the reply period myself. I posted a message saying:
I wanted to make sure that I opened the voting at exactly 12:01 am. It was a bit of a challenge to make the post came through right at that time, but I did it. I explained the rules once again (since a few didn’t understand it the first time), then I sat back and waited to see who would be the first to reply. I had no idea if there were any viewers out there who were waiting to post, trying to be number one, or what. I thought that this idea would be somewhat successful from the initial response I received when I started the thread. At least I hoped it would be…but it could also be a flop.
Well the UMD was very slow that night (I would like to think it was because of my thread, but who knows!), and as I found out later, the replies were taking a few minutes to register. Consequently, many members were pushing the ‘post’ button a couple of times. When they finally did go through, there were many multiple replies. I tried to contact some of them by sending private messages, asking them to delete their extra entries if they were still in the community. Some got my message and were able to do so. It was exciting to watch the responses add up, but it was also a bit worrisome to see all the multiple posts coming through. I knew I had just created some extra work for the moderators.
The adrenalin was rushing, but I knew that I needed to get some sleep, so I went to bed with a good number of replies under my belt. By the end of the first day, I had 63 requests (not counting multiple posts) and I was thrilled! I knew that I would probably pass my personal pie record. And as I watched that record get broken, I sent a private message to that member, informing him of the feat. One of the members had a great idea that I should do ‘something special’ when my personal record was broken. In fact, there were a lot of unique ideas from the community. I thought it would be cool to let the record breaker decide, so I told him that in my communication to him.
Another milestone was 100, and as we approached that number, my husband decided that he would like to own that piece of the action. So we watched as it came close, and he was successfully able to covet that spot.
The weekend was a bit chaotic, watching the posts and sending messages to the moderators to assist with removing multiple entries. I also had to send messages to some of the members whose choices were not clear, or to those who replied but forgot to give any choices at all! My reply watching became all consuming and overtook my regular life for those 72 hours (I think I fed the kids?!!). When it was nearing the end, I decided that I wanted to be the last to post for my special pie. I watched as the time drew near and made my own reply and closed the voting period. Whew, a sigh of relief, but it was only beginning…
119 replies! 119 pies! I was awestruck! But, oh my, what did I get myself into? There’s so much more that needs to be done…
Monday, June 16, 2008
My husband and I were talking about what type of messy session we were going to plan next, if we were going to take pictures, and if so, would we post those in the forum? Although it’s always exciting to see new pictures of mess, we didn’t want to post the same types of pictures that we had already done before. We wanted to do something different.
We talked about how we liked the community interaction when someone would ask a question and people would respond with their opinions. We thought it would be fun to take that one step further. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what kind of pie in the face was preferred…either thrown at the subject or pushed in the face? What about the mess? Did people like to see the model’s face before she/he received the next pie, or did they prefer the mess upon mess?
Funny how everyone has their own feelings about what turns them on. Personally, I prefer when a pie is pushed in my face and moved upwards towards the top of my head (although I won’t turn down any type of pie coming my way!). I love that sensation. I also prefer the partial coverage look. I like to see the eyes and facial expression of the model if there is more than one pie in the face. Now hubby is the total opposite in his responses. He likes them thrown and piled on, pie after pie, until you can’t if make out what is under all that!
What did the messy community like? Hey, if they voted, we could then thank them by posting their opinions back on the forum! Thus the ‘Pie for Every Reply’ idea was born!
How would we do that? Well, we decided to post our question for a day or so and then tell the forum that we would end the voting period so that we could film their responses. I only wanted the voting to last for a few days but my husband thought that we should let it open for an entire weekend. Then we had to decide on the actual voting time period, so as not to confuse all the members living in the different time zones. We decided to say 12:01 am and figured if we used a time zone like EST, that the members could convert what time that would translate into, for them. We wanted to make this easy to understand and as simple as possible.
We also wanted to give ample time for as many members to see when the voting period would take place since the reply period was going to be limited…not continually out there as other threads that asked for opinions are. I also had friends who traveled and if we only put it out there for immediate voting, they might not be able to take part which would disappoint them.
So on June 5th, I posted the following:
Hi Everybody!
What's this, you ask?
Well, here's how it works:
My smiling face will be on the receiving end of a cream pie (with crust) for every reply that is posted to this thread from:
Friday, June 20th 12:01am (EST)
Monday, June 23rd 12:01am (EST)
I will wear a sexy outfit (like the one shown below) and for every reply, I will hold a sign with the name of the person who replied written on it. I will be pied in the order of how the replies were posted.
You will be allowed the following choices and may include them in your reply:
1) Do you want your pie:
A) Thrown at my face?
B) Pushed in my face?
2) Do you want me to:
A) Wipe off my face before I receive your pie?
B) Leave the previous pie on my face and add your pie to the mess?
(Sorry, only the very first reply will start off with a clean faced showers in between the pies!)
Only one reply per person will count during the 'official reply period', so if you reply more than once, or change your mind about your choices, only the choices from your most recent reply will be used.
After the ‘official reply period’ has ended, I will need about 10-14 days to gather all of my supplies and complete the shoot before I can post all your 'special pie shots'.
In the meantime, you can ask questions, or tell me what your thoughts are about this idea, but remember, official requests for the 'pie for every reply' will only be taken during a 72 hour period from:
Friday, June 20th, 12:01am (EST)
Monday, June 23rd, 12:01am (EST)
I hope not only pie lovers, but all UMD viewers will enjoy this 'social WAM experiment'.
Psssst!...My personal ‘pie in the face’ record is 78!
I thought it read pretty clear, but as soon as I posted, I began to get replies from members who were trying to submit their votes immediately. So I went right back in and added ‘June 20th-June 23rd’ to the title of the thread and added some ‘ONLY’ words to the body of the original post. I still had a few that did not understand, who kept posting their choice, so I had to restate when the voting period was. Mostly though, I had some really good ideas and suggesstions about what to do if/when I broke my record of 78, as well as other unique opinions about the topic.
Well, the voting period starts in 4 days and I can’t wait to see how many ‘pies in the face’ I am going to be receiving!
My husband and I were talking about what type of messy session we were going to plan next, if we were going to take pictures, and if so, would we post those in the forum? Although it’s always exciting to see new pictures of mess, we didn’t want to post the same types of pictures that we had already done before. We wanted to do something different.
We talked about how we liked the community interaction when someone would ask a question and people would respond with their opinions. We thought it would be fun to take that one step further. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what kind of pie in the face was preferred…either thrown at the subject or pushed in the face? What about the mess? Did people like to see the model’s face before she/he received the next pie, or did they prefer the mess upon mess?
Funny how everyone has their own feelings about what turns them on. Personally, I prefer when a pie is pushed in my face and moved upwards towards the top of my head (although I won’t turn down any type of pie coming my way!). I love that sensation. I also prefer the partial coverage look. I like to see the eyes and facial expression of the model if there is more than one pie in the face. Now hubby is the total opposite in his responses. He likes them thrown and piled on, pie after pie, until you can’t if make out what is under all that!
What did the messy community like? Hey, if they voted, we could then thank them by posting their opinions back on the forum! Thus the ‘Pie for Every Reply’ idea was born!
How would we do that? Well, we decided to post our question for a day or so and then tell the forum that we would end the voting period so that we could film their responses. I only wanted the voting to last for a few days but my husband thought that we should let it open for an entire weekend. Then we had to decide on the actual voting time period, so as not to confuse all the members living in the different time zones. We decided to say 12:01 am and figured if we used a time zone like EST, that the members could convert what time that would translate into, for them. We wanted to make this easy to understand and as simple as possible.
We also wanted to give ample time for as many members to see when the voting period would take place since the reply period was going to be limited…not continually out there as other threads that asked for opinions are. I also had friends who traveled and if we only put it out there for immediate voting, they might not be able to take part which would disappoint them.
So on June 5th, I posted the following:
Hi Everybody!
What's this, you ask?
Well, here's how it works:
My smiling face will be on the receiving end of a cream pie (with crust) for every reply that is posted to this thread from:
Friday, June 20th 12:01am (EST)
Monday, June 23rd 12:01am (EST)
I will wear a sexy outfit (like the one shown below) and for every reply, I will hold a sign with the name of the person who replied written on it. I will be pied in the order of how the replies were posted.
You will be allowed the following choices and may include them in your reply:
1) Do you want your pie:
A) Thrown at my face?
B) Pushed in my face?
2) Do you want me to:
A) Wipe off my face before I receive your pie?
B) Leave the previous pie on my face and add your pie to the mess?
(Sorry, only the very first reply will start off with a clean faced showers in between the pies!)
Only one reply per person will count during the 'official reply period', so if you reply more than once, or change your mind about your choices, only the choices from your most recent reply will be used.
After the ‘official reply period’ has ended, I will need about 10-14 days to gather all of my supplies and complete the shoot before I can post all your 'special pie shots'.
In the meantime, you can ask questions, or tell me what your thoughts are about this idea, but remember, official requests for the 'pie for every reply' will only be taken during a 72 hour period from:
Friday, June 20th, 12:01am (EST)
Monday, June 23rd, 12:01am (EST)
I hope not only pie lovers, but all UMD viewers will enjoy this 'social WAM experiment'.
Psssst!...My personal ‘pie in the face’ record is 78!
I thought it read pretty clear, but as soon as I posted, I began to get replies from members who were trying to submit their votes immediately. So I went right back in and added ‘June 20th-June 23rd’ to the title of the thread and added some ‘ONLY’ words to the body of the original post. I still had a few that did not understand, who kept posting their choice, so I had to restate when the voting period was. Mostly though, I had some really good ideas and suggesstions about what to do if/when I broke my record of 78, as well as other unique opinions about the topic.
Well, the voting period starts in 4 days and I can’t wait to see how many ‘pies in the face’ I am going to be receiving!
Monday, June 9, 2008
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Monday, June 2, 2008
Well, I didn't always do what I do. In fact, even when I started to do what I do, I never really did first. It all began something like this...
"A fantasy? Sure, I'd like to hear about it. Go ahead and tell me."
"So let me get this straight. You like to be hit in the face with a cream pie or a pie made of shaving cream, right? Really! So how often do you do this?"
"Wow, that often? And this excites you sexually?"
"No, it doesn't turn me off. Just never thought a pie in the face was sexual, that's all."
"What? You want me to do that to you now? Well...ok. How do I do it? Do I throw it or push it? Are you sure I won't hurt you?"
"Ok, here goes."
"Did I hurt you? You look kind of strange."
"It's just amazing, that's all. So someone pies you that often?"
"Seriously, you pie yourself? No, I'm not shocked; I guess I'm just naive. So then, after you are pied, do you, um...?"
"What do I think? Well, it really doesn't turn me on, but hey, that's your fantasy, that's cool."
The next time the subject is brought up...
"Not just one pie, but a lot of them? And rub them all over yourself? You like to be totally covered? Sounds more like a fetish than a fantasy."
Some months later...
"You want to pie my face? But my clothes will get all messed up. Well, just on my face then, and just one. Try not to mess up my hair."
"Ouch, that kind of hurt and it burns. It's hard to breathe. I can't believe you like this so much."
Then several months later...
"I don't know. Last time it got in my ears too. Why don't we just stick to pieing you?"
Way later...
"Well sure, why not, I need to take a shower anyway."
Even later...
"Yeah, I remember the 3 Stooges pie fights and the scene from The Great Race. That was cool to watch. Yeah, I might like to try something like that. It seems like fun!"
Getting close to being a piegirl...
"Hey, let's go out to dinner, and then afterward we can come back here and have a pie session!"
"I've been thinking about the next time that we pie. I am going to wear my black lingerie, nylons and high heels. We can mess each other all up and have fun afterwards!"
"Hey, when are we going to pie next? I can't wait! It really turns me on! I think about it a lot. I really LOVE it!"
Well, I didn't always do what I do. In fact, even when I started to do what I do, I never really did first. It all began something like this...
"A fantasy? Sure, I'd like to hear about it. Go ahead and tell me."
"So let me get this straight. You like to be hit in the face with a cream pie or a pie made of shaving cream, right? Really! So how often do you do this?"
"Wow, that often? And this excites you sexually?"
"No, it doesn't turn me off. Just never thought a pie in the face was sexual, that's all."
"What? You want me to do that to you now? Well...ok. How do I do it? Do I throw it or push it? Are you sure I won't hurt you?"
"Ok, here goes."
"Did I hurt you? You look kind of strange."
"It's just amazing, that's all. So someone pies you that often?"
"Seriously, you pie yourself? No, I'm not shocked; I guess I'm just naive. So then, after you are pied, do you, um...?"
"What do I think? Well, it really doesn't turn me on, but hey, that's your fantasy, that's cool."
The next time the subject is brought up...
"Not just one pie, but a lot of them? And rub them all over yourself? You like to be totally covered? Sounds more like a fetish than a fantasy."
Some months later...
"You want to pie my face? But my clothes will get all messed up. Well, just on my face then, and just one. Try not to mess up my hair."
"Ouch, that kind of hurt and it burns. It's hard to breathe. I can't believe you like this so much."
Then several months later...
"I don't know. Last time it got in my ears too. Why don't we just stick to pieing you?"
Way later...
"Well sure, why not, I need to take a shower anyway."
Even later...
"Yeah, I remember the 3 Stooges pie fights and the scene from The Great Race. That was cool to watch. Yeah, I might like to try something like that. It seems like fun!"
Getting close to being a piegirl...
"Hey, let's go out to dinner, and then afterward we can come back here and have a pie session!"
"I've been thinking about the next time that we pie. I am going to wear my black lingerie, nylons and high heels. We can mess each other all up and have fun afterwards!"
"Hey, when are we going to pie next? I can't wait! It really turns me on! I think about it a lot. I really LOVE it!"
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