Saturday, July 12, 2008



The clean up...ugh! What a nightmare. It took almost as long as the set up and the shoot! If I was the type to swear on paper, you would certainly get an eyeful here!

We had prepared as best we could, by putting tarps on the carpeting and walls...that part worked out fine. Even though it took a while, thank goodness we put in that extra time for the set up. If we hadn't, it would have been a disaster. We also made sure we had a room with a kitchenette in it...that gave us the second sink to aid in the disposal of 'the mess'. We thought it would all be fine, but there were a few glitches along the way.

As I mentioned before, we had the type of bathroom where you literally had to enter it, and turn around, in order to close the door. This didn't help make things any easier. We probably should have planned for that better when we rented the room. Another problem was moving the mess from the shooting area to the kitchen and bathroom. First, we had to get the mess out of the kiddie pool and over to the sinks and bathtub...what a pain! Turned out we had to perform a two man bucket brigade (well, one man and a piegirl!). We took the tubs and buckets we had used to mix and pour the slime over me, scooped the slop out of the pool, and then carried it over to the sinks. That seemed to take forever. What a mess...and to think it had been all over me!

Then, we had to deflate the pool and get it into the bathtub, to wash away the last of the stuff. That was like a circus clown scenario! I suppose we could have just thrown the pool away, but we still would have needed to deflate it, in order to fit it into the garbage bag. And gosh, there were so many memories attached to that pool...we just had to keep it! So we needed to clean it there at the hotel, because there would have been some "splaining to do, Lucy", if we took it home full of pie mess and the kids saw that!

Then the sinks began to act slow...well, what did you expect with 119 crusts, shaving cream, syrup, chocolate sauce, cake batter gunge, banana cream, cherry pies, and the like? Finally, we had to scoop up the tarps, spot clean any areas where the mess got on the carpet, clean the counters and put back the furniture. Oh yeah, did I mention somewhere in there, that I had to take a shower?!!

After if was all said and done, there were 8 bags of garbage. Now I am not the type to leave that many bags sitting there for the maid to dispose of. Nor did I want to leave them in the hotel's soiled utility room. I know, we would have been gone, but I didn't want there to be any questions. So we took turns taking the garbage bags outside to the hotel dumpster...I'm sure if security was watching, hubby probably looked pretty maybe some sort of serial pie killer!

We had rented the hotel for another night, so we went out to dinner to celebrate our achievement. It was a great ending to a very eventful day!


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